We will be unpacking the importance of leadership in our "Intentional Leadership" series. Our study of Ephesian 4 will help us to develop a Biblical perspective on a healthy congregation…
The Local Church relationship with Christ is unique and special. Our study this week will focus on the significance of being the "Bride of Christ." It speak of a reciprocal…
It is easy to treat our relationship with the Lord, His people and our Community too casually. Our third metaphor illustrates that the Local Church is the place where God's…
All followers of Jesus struggle to grasp the significance of the Lord and His working. This especially true for those with a limited comprehension of God's Word. Many as a…
The Bible has much to teach about prayer. Paul's opening words in the letter to the Ephesians not only reminds us of the importance of prayer but also of the…
The greatest experience in life may be becoming a follower of Jesus Christ. Our passage from Ephesians 1 reveals Paul's thankfulness for these believers that have come to know and…
The Apostle Paul reminds us of several blessing that belong to the follower of Christ. Our series Blessed from Ephesians 1 will focus on how our faith being secured by…
Easter can mean several different cultural meanings depending on how you celebrate the holiday. For the "Christian" it usually focuses on Jesus and His sacrifice, death, burial and resurrection. For…
Another incredible privilege and blessing is a relationship with Our Creator because of the work of Jesus Christ. This week will be be unpacking the second blessing from God in…
One of the incredible blessing for the follower of Jesus is not only to be able to know God, but to be known by Him. Our focus this week on…