• Let the fall begin! I hope that you had a great summer. I know that I enjoyed the time to get away to do things and spend time with those around me. Now, it is time for us to move into our new ministry year. I do ask you to pray for God to work in and through our church in the next 12 months.
  • I do need to remind us to keep praying for those in the storm torn areas of Texas as well as the possible new storm threatening Florida. Let’s pray and act as the Lord leads us to be a blessing to others. I know from talking to someone from Katrina how devastating these storms can be.
  • There will be several opportunities to get plugged into new small groups that are launching this month. There will be men’s and women’s groups as well as a Parenting Class. Keep your eyes on the bulletin for more information on each of these events.
  • One of the big things that needs your prayer is our Conditional Use Permit. I received an email that our hearing before the examiner has been scheduled for September 14th. I would appreciate your prayers.
  • Please keep praying for someone that can “Sign” in the service. We would like to offer this. We have been unable to locate someone that could help. Please let Pastor Joe know if you have any ideas.
  • Our September MMV is Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”  It is our growing relationship with Jesus that fills us with the right attitude and strength to live for Him each day. Also let me encourage those of you with smart phones or tablets to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • We will continue our mini-series on Living Out Worship this Sunday as we work through Romans 14. This chapter will challenge us to think grace focused in dealing with others. The Lord is working through your prayers for me and Living Hope. It is wonderful each week to get glimpses of the Lord working in people’s lives through the services and other ministries. Thank You!