• Just a reminder that this weekend is Mother’s Day. I hope that you will make a point to do something special for your mom. Probably the best thing might be just to visit and call. Those times together become more special as our parents age!
  • Thanks to everyone that was part of the KidsZone and the Six8 Parent meetings Sunday. It sounds like a lot got accomplished. Thanks to Kendra, Berney and Zac for their work to make this happen.
  • We had a great time celebrating Jason Doolittle and Lyndzee Hamby’s wedding this weekend. Continue to pray for the new couple.
  • It was a busy weekend! It was a great last night for AWANA. I was so proud of our AWANA team. The Lord has been blessing our club and it was exciting to see the growth in the lives of the clubbers! Thanks to all the parents that make this work with their children and to all our leaders for an outstanding job!
  • We also had a great turn out for a surprise 70th birthday party for Joyce Pavadakes. Kudos to Ken and Tammy for all the work they put into this special event. I know it was a blessing to Joyce!
  • As I mentioned Sunday, our new MMV (Monthly Memory Verse) for May is Psalm 119:33. I have chosen a shorter verse to encourage those that are just joining us in this adventure. I really enjoy my Bible memory app and recommend it to you. Check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • Gals, our ladies retreat is now just two weeks away. You need to make time to hang out with other believers and to sit under His Word. The Camp Gilead Ladies Retreat is May 19-20. Check out the bulletin insert for more info.
  • We are planning for our child dedication this Sunday, Mother’s day. If you are interested in haviing your children dedicated, please speak with Pastor Joe.
  • We are looking forward to holding Family Camp this year. Let me encourage you to plan now to join us we head back to Lake Cushman over the weekend of August 25-27. If you are interested please let us know so we can reserve a site for you. It is also a great event to bring a friend to.
  • Thanks to those that have submitted memory verses. The pastors will be reviewing the submissions for the May verse. Please text, email your favorite verse and the reason why.
  • I hope you have been blessed with our “Life Lessons” series on the life of Jesus. This week I will be focusing on the ministry of the women in Jesus’ life as we celebrate Mother’s Day. I do covet your prayers, I guess I say this each week, as I trust the Lord to speak to my heart from my time in the Word and then use the message to touch the lives of others. Your prayer backup is vital to what the Lord is doing at Living Hope. Thank You for praying!