• We had a great Easter service. I know that we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection every Sunday, but there is something special to the Easter holiday. I want to say Thank You to everyone that helped with setup and all the special events related to Easter. Thank you.
  • It was good to get away with Caryl and Sarah for a small spring break. We had fun camping in Chehalis while Caryl attended a conference. I hope you have something special planned for Spring Break for your family.
  • Just a reminder that there will be a group picture this week. We are asking everyone to wear the shirts that we gave out last week. It you did not get your shirt there are still some available to be picked up on Sunday.
  • There is still time to join a small group. There is one meeting on Tuesday evenings at 7pm. Please contact Pastor Joe for more infor.
  • Our Ministry Team leaders will be meeting this Tuesday 7pm at the Ministry Center.
  • I have been taking to others about Baptism. We are preparing to do another Baptism in a couple weeks. Please talk to Pastor Joe if you are interested.
  • There will NO Six-8 Youth meeting this Friday due to the men attending the Camp Gilead Men’s Retreat.
  • This week we will be continuing our series “I Love My Church” with an emphasis of “Love in Community.” We will be focusing on how we can show love for One Another. I do covet your prayers as I prepare for this week’s event.